Type-H collimated LEDs are also compatible with a large number of optical accessories/adapters:
- Focusing Modules. An optional focusing module can be mounted on the front of the LED collimator to focus light into a tight spot which is an image of the LED emitter. This is useful for application requiring very high optical density such as fluorescence spectroscopy, or to focus LED light into a fiber or a light guide. - Lightguide Adapter. An optional lightguide adapter is also available to couple the LED light into a lightguide with high efficiency. - Alternative Collimating Lenses with Different Beam Diameters. Additional interchangeable collimating lenses are available to produce different beam sizes with the same light source. - Microscope Adapters. Type-H collimated LEDs, as standalone units or as multiwavelength LED solutions, can be mounted onto any commercial microscopes including Nikon, Leica, Olympus and Zeiss, using Goptica’s microscope adapters. Type-H and Type-J collimated LEDs are fully compatible with Goptica’s turn-key microscope LED solutions.
IMPORTANT : (1) LED’s can ONLY be driven by a constant-current source, and NOT a voltage source (e.g. a battery, or a AC/DC power supply etc.); (2) Please always verify LED’s current rating first before applying current to the LED, and please always make sure NOT to apply current that is above the LED’s current rating.